Commands list

.help - Basic information about the bot


.clear - Clear chat

.clear or .clear 15

.kick - Expel the partisan

.kick @user spam

.ban - Block member

.ban @user spam or .ban @user 3h spam

.unban - Unblock member

.unban @user

.mute - Close the participant's mouth

.mute @user 10s spam

.unmute - Open the participant's mouth

.unmute @user

.tag - Call a participant

.tag @user

.avatar - See user avatar

.avatar or .avatar @user

.serverava - See server avatar


.server - Server information


.roll - Random number

.roll or .roll 37

.coin - Toss a coin


.short - Shorten the link


.tictactoe - Play tic-tac-toe

.tictactoe @yourusername @user

.place - Make a move in the tic-tac-toe

.place 6

.meme - Random meme


.createtext - Create a text channel

.createtext name

.createcat - Create a category

.createcat name

.deletetext - Delete a text channel

.deletetext name

.dog - A random fact about a dog


.cat - A random fact about a cat


.panda - A random fact about a panda


.fox - A random fact about a fox


.bird - A random fact about a bird


.koala - A random fact about a koala


.joke - Random joke


.anime - Random frame from the anime


.password - Password generation

.password or .password 45

.weather - Weather forecast

.weather Kyiv or .weather Київ

.crypto - Cryptocurrency rate

.crypto BTC

Available cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, BUSD, SOL, USDT, XRP, BNB, ADA, USDS

.rate - Exchange rate

.rate USD

Available currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, CNY, PLN

.movie - Random film


.ip - Information about IP address


.covid - Information situation with the coronavirus

.covid world or .covid your country

Example: .covid ukraine

.rank - User rank information

.rank or .rank @user

.leader - Leaderboard


💙💛stand with ukraine💙💛